12min read

Changing tracks with the Central Highlands Ecoregion Foodscape (CHEF) project

What: visioning workshops, action roadmapping  & changing track support

Where: Central Highlands Ecoregion, Nanyuki, Kenya

Hosted by: The Nature Conservancy, and in partnership with CGIAR - The Alliance of Bioversity- CIAT AICCRA program

When: Process facilitation support, multiple workshops; beginning mid-2022

Who: local governments, small & large businesses, researchers, NGOs, farmers, conservation communities, nutrition and food system experts

Aim: CHEF aims to leverage the potential of regenerative agriculture in the Central Highlands to benefit both people and nature. Glocolearning supported this project by facilitating  the co-development strategies for improving multi-land use approaches by a wide range of stakeholders in the CHEF region in Kenya, an area where many  tensions and conflicting land use demands are critical to take into account 

Key takeaways

  1. Through co-creation and co-learning, the CHEF team is investing in processes that facilitate inclusive design, adaptive management and create explicit space for active continuous learning in order to orient actions and systems change to build social-ecological resilience and sustainability for people and nature. 
  2. CHEF actors are central to CHEF’s approach, success and impact and they contribute to the CHEF’s strategic thinking from the beginning, supported by evidence-base and enriched by multiple perspectives, experiences, and co-investment models.
  3. The use of participatory practices is key to cultivating trust among participants, especially given the differing interests and priorities across stakeholder groups at the outset.

More info: TNC foodscapes