Summary: A 90-minute visioning workshop hosted by Business Fights Poverty, NutritionConnect (GAIN), and IFSS Portal Initiative aiming at exploring the potential of public-private partnerships in promoting healthy and sustainable dietsWhat: 90-minute visioning workshop
Where: London/Nairobi/Oxford/Remote
Hosted by: Business Fights Poverty Global Summit, GAIN-NutritionConnect, IFSS Portal Initiative
When: 22 June 2023
Who: Private, Public, NGO, Research/Academia (120+)
Aim: This workshop introduced the backcasting approach to help private and public sector actors address the question, “How can public-private partnerships contribute to healthy and sustainable diets?”. Key accelerators, trends, challenges, and opportunities were identified to support cross sector work to fight multidimensional poverty by building robust food systems.
Key takeaways:
- Sharing diverse experiences highlights synergies and builds common opportunities across different sectors.
- Mapping pathways-to-impact supports long-term scalable results and minimizes unintended consequences.
- Strengthening public and private sector trust and partnerships catalyzes transformative change.
More info: on the event: LINK, Blog
image credits: zovi Ong